If he hides you on social media
If he hides you on social media

Ask your partner what he does and doesn’t feel comfortable sharing on social media. Laurie Davis Edwards, founder of the dating site eFlirt, said that honest conversations about your social-media boundaries early on in a relationship can prevent surprises later. Often in relationships, one person is more private than the other, a difference that can lead to fights.

if he hides you on social media

This is especially important when it comes to sharing details, photos of the two of you or details of your lives or dates together. Check In Before You PostĪlways prioritize your living, breathing, human partner. Or try turning off notifications when you’re together. You may like having all your meals be phone-free (or at least having those phones on silent or in airplane mode). Of course, more social media-free time is better, if you can swing it. “Men and women are guilty of reaching for their phone and basking in the glow of their screen rather than the afterglow of lovemaking.” “A cigarette and embrace after sex has quickly been replaced with a scroll through social media,” said Gillian McCallum, chief executive of Drawing Down the Moon Matchmaking, a British dating website. The behavior even extends into the bedroom: Clients have told me stories of discreet mid-coitus phone check-ins.

if he hides you on social media

I hear story after story of couples planning a romantic date night that turns into nothing but chatter about Instagram likes, Twitter favorites and Snapchat views. The most common social media-related fight I hear from clients is how much time their partners spend on Facebook or Instagram. Prioritize Quality Time Without Social Media Still, navigating social media boundaries doesn’t have to be the colossal struggle we sometimes turn it into. Most of us are uncomfortable talking about these types of interactions because we worry that social media is too frivolous to argue over, but it is important to recognize that social media brings up real feelings, and those feelings do matter.

If he hides you on social media